Thanks to Roman May
I had been complaining so much about how much I hated my electricity company since I bought my house last year my brother finally sent me an email suggesting I look into First Choice Energy. He’s not the type to get involved in any of our personal business. I bought this house after my divorce, which none of my family approved of. A lot of them are in kind of miserable marriages and they’ve been really worried about the fact that I’m “on my own” again after 5 years as a wife. I didn’t want to live unhappily though and now I own my own home, have a new job, and I even got a dog! I’m really happy about my new life! Anyway, I’ve been reaching out to family members about how expensive everything is and I’ve been asking for suggestions about saving money. I’ve only lived in this part of Texas for a little while (since the divorce) and I don’t know much about anything in the area. No one reminds you what a pain it is to pick up your whole life and move – you have to find a new doctor, a new hair person, a new car wash! I know it’s silly but having to do all those things again isn’t something I’ve thought about since college. Getting married means you can let someone else think about half the things you don’t like dealing with and those were just things my ex-husband handled. I haven’t paid a bill in a really long time and it’s hard for me to from being part of a team to doing everything on my own. I’m happier now than I’ve ever been, though, but you know, I’m really excited about the next phase in my life. I’ve got a really strong family and based on my brother’s email suggesting the utility company, I think the’y’re going to get even more involved as I need them! I can’t wait.